Patrick Foulhoux - The bottom of the air scares (2010) David Patrick Foulhoux - The bottom of the air scares (2010)
Bias, subjectivity exhacerbée, claimed nonconformity, highlighted ashamed of the author, yes, no doubt, all the principles of gonzo journalism, Hunter S. dearly Thompson and Lester Bangs (although I doubt it would ever be called) are implemented by the pen of Patrick Foulhoux. All for what? Just tell her little history of rock history, lived from within, as a abéédaire iconoclastic "rock disturbed", blending essential figures in the global saturation and obscurities past unnoticed in their time and who find in this little book the opportunity to burn one (last?) both wings to the limelight.
Having jumped right into the ink of Rolling Stone, Punk Rawk, Kerosene, Rock Sound, Abuse Violence Hazardous or the author's announcement from the letter B: "The Beatles are the first to have betrayed rock, "they" shit in the boots of rock, yes the Beatles' horripilent Patrick and, just for that one has only one desire, be slipped while the rest of the book in one go! Or, for beatlesmaniaques to shove his fist in his mouth, but that station! Gus is not necessarily the kind of easy to spread a little queer on the cheek! No sir is more of a rugby player, so physically speaking, difficult to attack frontally. So what? attack on the ground of an alleged ethics Rock'n'Roll? No fool, the madman, quickly returns to its course within the genus and this, in the preamble, the first letter of the book! "Ah well damn, still had to find as an illustration of the letter A! You really want to go nitpick "Rock'n'Roll" with a gus who throws his rock label in 2010? Me I did not venture too ...
The decor is made, the young Robert (ie Patrick) of rock is beyond reproach and the tone of entry: if you want to smell the farts wet BB Brunes, glued the locks of Tokio Hotel or the deo surround sound for the first lady of France, you are wrong. No, the Desktop Air Barn, like the Stooges in their time (tables of the law ignited our narrator), as little recognition qu'auront Thugs yet been well provided advantages to conquer the world. Yes the book scares.
Everything smells a little scandal in the right circles (so well described by Coluche), in fact, is it reasonable, good sir, to Nomads "the most important Swedish group of humanity," and ABBA my dear Patrick, it's marshmallow perhaps? book and the letter G Gâtechien under (almost) just because they are home? I ask you, and Gaga (Lady's first name) it does not deserve a bit more instead? Ignorant, ignorant filthy, infidel charts, uncultivated Marketing! Do you have a moment that you are hiding behind the heavy (in every sense) pseudonym Tad we can expose you?! Even your beloved ignane one day was corrupted with the dark forces, and you SFR, better, your complicit silence speaks volumes about your state of mind! So you think that 26 small items with a pen dipped in tar, ash and heavy bourbon you can fight against the all powerful majors? you believe their empty head of Raphael and other insipid rebellion that we have brought in big blow pump advertising? Who do you still today interress Thee Hypnotics or X-Syndicates? Strictly speaking Neil Young ... but frankly Rye Coalition, but not, I swear to you, who??
How, what say you? in these troubled times, music is slowly regaining its incendiary instincts? young people drink fewer supermarkets to culture? Do It Yourself is in the air? vinyl grafted hairs of the Beast? ... The revolution would be still running and will, once again, without the dinosaurs of the past? Your bad faith scares me sir "Tad" Foulhoux, your bad faith honor you, your bad faith, turning to the past, is a visionary, you can not just settle for this quick test coup Literary!