Zenzile - The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari "- (Film concert - Telerama Dub Festival - Paris)
Paris at the beginning of the century, somewhere near the Bastille. We give a session cinematography . On the program a German film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, romantic drama against the backdrop of madness, the crowd still unaccustomed to this kind of media spectacle in number and plunged into a dark blue or yellow, shivers and be enraptured by this scary story. Before the screen, a machinist is working tirelessly. Is it here to change the coils to the signal given by a white spot up in a corner of the screen? Is it there to turn the crank that will tirelessly to said coils and scrolls and reveal, little by little the terrible denouement of the story? No, folded in two on its machines that it would seem, any machine that is, its role in the film is very limited.
Yet it is surrounded by four other accomplices, that's how the work should be titanic. So it would take 5 men to a cinema show to take place properly? All turn their backs to the audience concentrates on the images that pass, seeming trance at times or the dramatic tension of the story will then releasing increasing somewhat in the moments of calm. But what do they all? Point of bowler hats and mustaches proud and arrogant for them any more than there is in the public. The women came without their umbrellas or gloves. Point muslin veil either, in this year 1919, we went to the cinema to forget, the space of a moment, pain of the dark years of the Great War, though no broken faces in the crowd, not even a uniform. No, decidedly, it is something that does not stick. Beginning of the century we say? Yes, but which one? Lost, seem, in our turn, we fell into a devastating folly we lose all sense of time and place.Italian history, narrated in German, Jamaican roots music abâtardisée with a lot of Western technology, silent images amid deafening sirens, organic rhythmic figures with diaphanous dyed, the blank stares of all life, the engagement with their dementia. All mixes, our 5 grips of Zenzile, since that's who it is, we offer a total artistic experience, playing time and classifications are misleading. Zenzile que l’on se plait souvent à mettre dans la même boite étiquetée Electro Dub français, aux cotés d’ High Tone , du Peuple de l’Herbe et de quelques autres, Zenzile donc, en formation rock instrumentale (Basse (bien sûr), Batterie (évidemment), guitare, clavier et ces fameuses machines), donne un nouveau souffle, une nouvelle vie à l’œuvre de Robert Wiene, "Le cabinet du Docteur Caligari", monument de l’expressionnisme allemand.
Le télescopage spatio-temporel fonctionne merveilleusement bien, au-delà de toute attente, tant et si bien qu’on en vient to wonder if it's the soundtrack that accompanies it which gives full effect to the images, or beauty, strangeness, the composition of scenes that the music penetrates us so deeply. Unable to decide, because the two worlds eventually do more quickly to form one sets terribly today (one thinks the world of Tim Burton), scary, all angles and edges, finding their echo somewhere between the low and creepy sounds at times almost dissonant group, not before chaos gives way to a calmer atmosphere floydienne irresistible groove or the time a lawsuit crazy.
It has taken almost a century wait for this work can see the day at a time when everything must be fast, even instantaneous, it verges on heresy. Zenzile brilliantly but we will prove that good things come to those who wait that the time has (re) done its work. Hat (bowler) down!
Still stunned by the spectacle that just ended, the icing on the cake when you leave the room, stand Merchandising Group offers a silkscreen poster of the show performed by CryingPaper. Obviously, you can not do without it! ;)
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