Analog Africa No. 8: Afro Beat Airways - Ghana Togo 1972-1979 (2010)
Sometimes it takes me the urge to go take a look eye on the origin of site visitors, sisi I swear, I have this power ... I'm rather proud enough elsewhere. Hey yes, a friend of Mechelen, Saint-Martin-de-Seignanx, Fleury-les-aubrais or even of Versailles, I see you while you look at me. Miracle of the computer, dizziness paranoia, it is always that I can do, so I'm not going to deprive myself! But the other day, rather than those exotic towns hexagonal, corn and even those unknown to the distant America (with the same group names in English, it's not really a surprise), in short, rather than these provenances ultimately rather conventional, a visitor attracted my attention, I do not know how long he spent on my site, or, more importantly, by what miracle he had fallen over, what mischievous search engine was able to bring it to me , but be sure Gabonese friend (yes, because my visitor came from Gabon) African tour that made me heart-warming and, just to push the cream pie, put the sun in my day. For cons, I must admit I am still very skeptical as to which of Entombed or Lords of Altamont you could well seek to fall on me. You'll understand that the visit had an effect on me ... and s'accompagnât a thundering revelation probably divine from, who knows, may be directly Jah Rastafari. This revelation was this: if there were pop, rock, more or less extreme, French song and even rap on the blog, nothing, no nothing that concernat African music and more generally What some call "world music". One that hounds with kids from the streets of Sao Paolo to the steppes Lapland (where, have the, it is perhaps not so many streets here to put half-naked kids, especially in this cold, I will put your scarf!)
With this in mind, I promptly threw in listening to the disc before us today and I had very little time to be taken kind of itching funky chicken at the James Brown . Brass feverish, rhythmic hypnotic, heady choruses, heat, warmth, Africa knocking at my door, and if Fela will forever the King of Afrobeat, the Afro-beat Airways was there to prove that limit the genre to its sole founder of Nigeria would be a serious lack of culture. Rooted in the heart of the 70s (72-78 to be precise, short of the end of Flower Power to the punks "we") this "compilation" (a term somewhat inappropriate, prefer her "selection") ghanéo-Togolese offers the best views possible on the musical richness of this period and such, still largely unknown here and whose influence, however, continues to be felt through every pore of white funk, disco, of techno and all styles music that invites, ever so slightly, moving his hindquarters to the rhythm of a feverish trance. The organ
manzarekien Orchestral Abass, highlife of Alhaji K. Frimpong, afro-beat of the African Brothers Band and the Afro-funk of the title Marijata Break Through (which closes the loop if you know what I mean .... yeah, To the Other Side), everything here is just moist groove, climb to serene trance (Andante?) vertices. So, yes, mind-cian fela fleet on each title (Odofo Nyi Akyiri Biar) ... but not that. Usher Live in World ITAD ultimately has little to do with the Nigerian prophet, but much more with the funk-soul of the USA at that time with his guitar hendrix as hell. And if you do not Break Through (again) the false air of We Got The Funk who you know, buying a box of cotton stalks should be imposed immediately. What about the serene and enchanting guitar of Frank Professionals, while invigorating laid back, a feat!
You will understand, amateur hardcore rock, or specialist ... more pointed in musicology specializing Africa, this compilation is for you. The links between all the genres being perfectly clear here: the funk was born in the streets of Accra, or near, Hendrix had not only blood Cherokee, Detroit techno has shamelessly copulated with a rhythmic krautrock-batardisées young siblings degenerate, too long, have dragged their wetsuits Volfwagen on the African trails. "All the music I like, it comes from there, it comes from the blues seems like another tax? probably yes, but .... the blues it is from where?
There would be writing pages and pages more about this enchanting selection, but it would not count on the generous booklet that accompanies it and which alone justifies the purchase magic on this disc ... and also justifies the return of vinyl amply facilitate the reading of texts in it and great photos.
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